
How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Unable to unlock the powerful sub-machine gun, Minibak, in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2? Many players have reported facing annoying issues with the Kastovia weapon platform, which features five guns: Kastov 762, Kastov 545, Kastov-74U, Vaznev-9K, and Minibak. Major complaints proclaim that players have been unable to unlock the Minibak despite completing the related missions as stated in-game.

According to the Kastovia platform page in-game, one can unlock the Minibak SMG by leveling up its predecessor on the platform, Vaznev-9K, to Level 14. Similarly, the weapon platform states that one must level up the Kastov-74U to Level 13 to unlock Vaznev-9K.

That said, completing the aforementioned missions hasn't produced the expected results, as per reports. Luckily, there are a couple of workarounds to try and fix the issue stated above.

How to unlock the Minibak in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and fix the error associated with it

Some Modern Warfare 2 players found answers to the anomalies in the Kastovia weapon platform. As it happens, the goals to unlock Minibak and Vaznev-9K, which are stated in-game, are inconsistent with the game's backend status.

In order to unlock Minibak in Modern Warfare 2, one has to level up the Kastov-74U to level 18 instead of focusing on the Vaznev-9K. As for the Vaznev-9K itself, one has to level up the Kastov-74U to Level 15 instead of the original mission, which stated Level 13. Following these changes will help you unlock the Minibak weapon in Modern Warfare 2.

Why is the error happening?

The aforementioned issue may happen due to a bug or an inconsistency in the game's programming aspect. In fact, Kastov-74U’s track page in Modern Warfare 2 showcases Minibak at Level 18. It's better to ignore what the platform missions state at the moment and follow the workaround that has proven to be a success for most players.

How to unlock the Kastovia platform and Minibak in Modern Warfare 2?

Here's how you can unlock the starter weapon of Kastovia and, consequently, the Minibak:

  • To unlock the Kastovia weapon platform, one has to level up their profile to Level 23. This will unlock the Kastov 762 assault rifle, which is the base receiver in the platform and the platform track.
  • Boost the Kastov 762 to Level 10 by using it in multiplayer matches. This will unlock the Kastov 545.
  • Boost the Kastov 545 to Level 13 by using it in multiplayer matches. This will unlock the Kastov-74U, which is the key to unlocking both Minibak and Vaznev-9K.
  • To unlock Vaznev-9K, level up the Kastov-74U to Level 15 by using it in multiplayer matches.
  • Lastly, level up the Kastov-74U to Level 18 in order to unlock the final weapon on the platform, the Minibak SMG.
  • The Minibak is a decent SMG in Modern Warfare 2, but it sacrifices something essential to offer its strengths. The PP-19 Bizon look-alike has the best recoil control and accuracy among SMGs in the game but also features the worst fire rate and slowest time-to-kill stats in its class.

    However, it's still a viable option for up to mid-range if adorned with a balancing set of attachments. Add proper perks and equipment to create a loadout effective in close and mid-range combat.

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    Artie Phelan

    Update: 2024-06-13